Galatians 4:21-31 - THE ALLEGORY
THE TWO WOMEN REPRESENT TWO __________________.
Hagar represents the covenant from mount ________ which was the Law of __________. |
Sarah represents the ______ Covenant. |
Hagar's son, ________, was born after the ______. |
Sarah's son, _____, was born through _____. |
So also the people under the Law of ______ were the children of Abraham after the ______. |
Christians under the New Covenant are Abraham's children of ________. |
Ishmael persecuted ______. |
The Jews were persecuting ________. |
Isaac was persecuted by __________. |
Christians were being persecuted by ________. |
The son of the ______ was not to inherit with the son of the _______. |
Being a Jew in the flesh (is/is not) enough to be an heir of God's promises. |
God told Abraham, "in ______ shall thy seed be called." (Gen. 21:12) |
"And if ye are ______________, then are ye Abraham's seed, heirs according to ________________." (Gal. 3:29) |
_______ was a handmaid, a bondwoman, a slave. |
Those who are descendants of Abraham only in the flesh are still in ________. |
__________ was a freewoman. |
"For _______ did Christ set us _________." (Gal. 5:1) |
In what
sense are those who are descendants of Abraham only in
the flesh in bondage?
Explain in
what sense Christians are free. From what are they free?