- Who was Darius and over what nation did
he rule?
- To what high position was Daniel
- How was Daniel thought of by his peers?
How was Daniel thought of by Darius?
- After the presidents and the satraps
failed to find any fault in Daniel, what course of action did
they decide to take?
- What was the law of the Medes and
Persians concerning decrees signed by the king? (compare
Esther 8:8)
- Did the decree signed by Darius have an
effect upon Daniel?
- When the king realized what had happened,
what did he make his mind up to try to do?
- How did the presidents and satraps react
to the King's tarrying?
- Give an account of the king's actions
after Daniel was thrown into the den of lions.
- What happened to those who had conspired
against Daniel?
- How does the chapter end?