Read Exodus 4
1. Moses was given miraculous demonstrations. What were they?
2. What were the two miraculous demonstrations called in verse 9?
3. To whom were these to be signs, and of what?
4. In verse 10, on what was Moses' reluctance based? Explain why this is NOT an illustration of the character trait mentioned in Numbers 12:3.
5. Note 4:15-16, and compare 7:1-7. What conclusions can you draw concerning the meaning of the word, "prophet"?
6. God told Moses that the wonders would be met with what response from Pharaoh?
7. God said, "Israel is my son, my firstborn." What does "firstborn" mean? Compare Psalm 89:27 and Colossians 1:18.
8. Just after the text tells that God again charged Moses to go to Pharaoh, we read that "the LORD met him and sought to put him to death." Does this seem strange? Consider the following:
a. In consequence of the Lord's seeking to put Moses to death, what did Zipporah do?
b. Did she do so gladly?
c. Were the children at the appropriate age for circumcision? (cf. 17:12)
d. Of what people was Zipporah? Did this people practice circumcision? Would circumcision seem barbaric to you if you had been raised in a society where the practice was unknown?
e. Who should have been responsible for seeing to it that Moses' children were circumcised?
f. Based on your answers to b, and d, why do you think Moses hadn't had his children circumcised?
g. As long as Moses had failed to have this done, was he fit to go to Pharaoh as God's messenger, and to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?
9. Who directed Aaron to go to meet Moses? Where did Moses and Aaron meet?
10. After meeting each other, with whom did Moses and Aaron meet?
11. What was the response of the people of Israel?
Read Exodus 5-7
1. Pharaoh said he did not know whom? Was he claiming to be an atheist?
2. Exactly what did Moses and Aaron ask of Pharaoh, and what was the rationale for this request. Note Exodus 8:25-27.
3. In response to the request, Pharaoh gave instructions to the taskmasters who were over the Israelites. What were they?
4. What was the expressed purpose of these instructions?
5. Depending on the translation, the term foremen, or officers, can be found in Ex. 5:6, 10, 15, & 19. Who were these men?
6. What explanation for his new policy did Pharaoh give to these foremen?
7. Whom did the foremen blame for their troubles?
8. Read Exodus 6:2-3.
a. Had God previously been known by the name
( Yahweh, = "LORD" in many translations)? See Gen. 4:1; 15:7; 22:14; 28:13, 16, 21.
b. What is the meaning of God's words in Ex. 6:2-3?
i. What is the derivation and meaning of the name
? (See again, Ex. 3:14-15)
ii. After saying that He had not previously revealed himself as Yahweh God announced he would do three things (verses 6-8). What were they?
iii. These three things are introduced with the reference to what covenant? (vs. 4-5)
iv. Can you see a connection between the nature of God indicated by the "I AM" in Ex. 3:14, and God's keeping his promise made so many years prior to this time?
9. Were the sons of Israel thinking about the hope, the promises made to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or were they focused on their difficulties? THERE IS A LESSON HERE!!!
10. When the sons of Israel didn't listen to Moses, what did Moses suppose that might portend concerning his communications with Pharaoh?
11. Who were the three sons of Levi? Notice in Numbers 4 that there is a division of labor according to the respective families of these three men.
12. From which of these sons did Amram and Jochebed descend?
13. List the sons born to Aaron.
14. Before the first sign was shown to Pharaoh, what reason did God give for hardening Pharaoh's heart?
15. When Moses and Aaron came before Pharaoh, how old were each of the two brothers?
16. Why was Pharaoh unimpressed when Aaron's staff became a serpent?
17. Do you suppose that the magicians, or sorcerers, of Egypt did in fact duplicate Aaron's miracle? Did they have supernatural powers? See Exodus 8:18-19.
18. Do you suppose God was surprised by the sorcerers' ability to imitate the miracle? If not, why would God have chosen to a sign which they could imitate? (HINT: what was the result of their ability, and what had God set out to do from the outset?)