[Preface] [Introduction] [Index]
Lesson 1
Psalm 90
1. In which of the five books of Psalms is this psalm placed?
2. What is characteristic of the particular Psalms in this book?
3. To whom is this psalm attributed by its title?
4. Are there any other examples of poetry by this author in the Bible?
5. How often and for how long is God a dwelling place, or refuge?
6. What is the emphasis of the first two verses, and what does the emphasis become beginning with verse 3?
7. As generations of men come and go, what remains true of God?
8. PARAPHRASED: God's view of the past thousand years is as man's view of __________, or as a ____________ in the ______________.
9. What does God turn man back into? (Compare at least two translations, then compare Gen. 3:19.)
10. With what time during the author's life was the truth of Ps. 90:3 especially apparent? (Compare Numbers 14:20-35, 32:11-14.)
11. What does God carry or sweep away as if with a flood?
12. What is like grass which flourishes in the morning and withers by evening? (Cf. Ps. 37:2, 92:7, Is. 40:6-8.)
13. Verses 7-9 suggest that the cause for the demise of the author's people is what?
14. We ought to number our days. that is to say we ought to do what? (Cf. Dt. 32:29, Ps. 39:4.)
15. On Psalm 90:15, when were the
"days wherein thou has afflicted us"?
- Using Strong's Concordance, determine the original word translated "afflicted," or the number of that word.
- Again , using Strong's, determine the original word translated "humble" in Dt. 8:2, or the number of that word.
- According to Dt. 8:2, what was done to humble Israel?
- Could it be said that this was done to afflict Israel?
16. Summarize the overall point of this psalm, and how its apparent historical setting made this point particularly compelling.