- Where did the Spirit take Ezekiel in 11:1?
- What did Ezekiel see?
- Were the 25 men mentioned in verse 1 the same 25
men mentioned in Ezek. 8:16?
- Some of the various translations of Ezek. 11:3
are as follows:
KJV (AV) -"It is not near; let us build houses:"
NASB- "Is not the time near to build houses?"
ASV- "The time is not near to build houses:"
NIV- "Will it not soon be time to build houses?"
Read Jer. 28:1-4, 15-17, and 29:1-9. Especially compare Jer. 28:15 with
Ezek. 11:2 and Jer. 29:5 with Ezek. 11:3. Then determine which of the
above translations best fits the circumstances described by Jeremiah.
- What is meant in vs. 3, "this city is a cooking
pot and we are the meat"? (KJV- "This city is the caldron, and we be
the flesh.")
- In what way had they "killed many people"? (KJV-
"multiplied your slain" 11:6)
See the following groups of passages:
7:52; Mt 23:29-30; Jer. 2:30; 26:20-24
Ezek. 22:12,27; Mic. 2:1-2; Hos. 6:9
2 Ki. 21:6; Ezek..16:20-21; 20:25-26, 30-31; 23:37; Jer.
7:31; 19:4-5
2 Ki. 21.16; 24.3-4, Jer. 2.34; also, Josephus.
Antiquities X. iii. 1.
- Those who gave wicked counsel (11:2-3) had used
the figure of a caldron to make their point. How does God change the
significance of the figure of the figure of a "caldron" in vs. 7?
- The people who trusted in the safety of the city
would be judged where? (see also Jer. 52:5-11. 24-27)
- Discuss the fate of Pelatiah in view of the fact
that this is all part of a vision.
- Would God destroy the remnant of Israel?
- What did the Jews in Jerusalem think concerning
their brethren in captivity?
- Contrary to this, how did God look upon the
captives and those still in the land, respectively? (11:16, also Jer.
- What was in the future for the captives in
Babylon? (11:17)
- Did Jehovah give the land of Israel to the
people, as promised in 11:17?
- What "detestable things" (11:18) will be removed
from the land? (cf. 5:11, 7:20)
- What is meant in 11:19 by "I shall give them one
- What is meant by a "new spirit"?
- Compare the heart of stone and heart of flesh.
(See 2 :4, 3 :7, Is, 48:4. and 2 Chron. 36:13)
- Who is being spoken of in 11:21?
- On which mountain did the glory of Jehovah stand?
(11:23, cf. Zech 14:4}
- Where is the "glory of the Lord" at the end of
the chapter?
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